You don't have to have a lot of money to spend in order to have sea-worthy nuptials. You can get hitched on a budget and still have the sandy romantic beach wedding of your dreams. Here are ideas to make your budget-worthy beach wedding ceremony sweet and beautiful just like you have always wanted.
Go for breezy drinks
Tropical, colorful drinks that take your breath away and leave you fuzzy with glee are just what you need at your tiki bar for your wedding inspired by the beach. Popular drinks, including a certain cheeky one by the sea, include:
- Lemon Grotto
- Island Girl
- Beachcomber
Your bartender can also help you come up with your own custom island-inspired drink with its own name to make your nuptials full of good spirit. Consider the type of alcohol you love and the color you want your drink to be to help you come up with the perfect concoction.
Bring in tropical plants
There is more to a beach wedding ceremony than sea birds flying through the air and the rolling waves in the background. There are plenty of tropical flowers you can consider to use as both centerpieces and wedding decor for your ceremony. You can rent potted plants from your local greenhouse in lovely blooms that both look and smell delightful. Renting plants is much cheaper than buying the same blooms, and give you the same gorgeous, nature-inspired effect. Consider the following flowers to make your beach wedding complete:
- African tulip
- Amazon lily
- Dahlia
You can also include tropical flowers in your wedding bouquet. Make sure to choose blooms that hold their shape and color for several days so you have crisp and beautiful blooms for your big day. You can use a substitute bouquet for tossing so you can keep your cherished arrangement forever.
Serve tasty seafood
While chicken, steak, and salmon are the more typical meats served at a wedding, you can go with a more sea-inspired menu that you and your guests can enjoy. Serve succulent mussels or clams, or even sea urchin as part of your wedding fare. If you don't care for seafood, you can serve beach-worthy buried whole hog instead, complete with lit Tiki torches and outdoor drums to make the occasion fun and amazing.
If you are getting married and you love the beach, you can still have a beach wedding even if you don't have a large budget. You just need to be creative with your food and decor to make the day completely magical.